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Rhode Island Just Struck A Blow For Transparency In Presidential Elections!

One of the primary reasons for releasing a presidential candidate’s federal tax return is to determine whether or not the candidate may have any financial conflicts of interest which may impact his or her presidency. Another reason which is at least as important is what is the nature and extent of the candidate’s contributions to charitable organizations.

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The press, both print and electronic, has a long tradition in our nation. The people have a right, guaranteed by our Constitution, to know the truth of the activities of our government and its effect on the governed. It would seem it would be a normal expectation. However, these are anything but normal times. It may be time for the press to rethink their mission and responsibility.

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“It’s The Economy Stupid”…That Is More Than A Clever Phrase For Most Middle-Class Americans

Perhaps the most important issue with which most everyday Americans deal is quite simply their finances. Frankly, their personal finances are influenced significantly by that rather illusive term – “the economy.” Under no circumstances should any Democrat candidate cede the economy debate to the Republicans. Despite President Trump’s grandiose pronouncements regarding the nation’s economic health, many everyday Americans are having a hard time determining how they are benefiting from his superlative bombast.

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Witch Hunt?….Come On Man!

The arguments presented by these sycophants (not only candidates but current members of Congress) seeking to derail and end the Mueller investigation are best summed up in the president’s phrase parroted by Mueller’s detractors “Witch Hunt.” As Mueller and his team methodically work their case, the volume is getting louder. Conservatives on the Hill have gone to great lengths to create the impression that Mueller has lost credibility.

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Drain The Swamp?…This Swamp Creature Has To Go Now!

Given the daily twitter distraction frenzy out of the White House and the almost daily presidential press conference featuring Sarah Huckabee Sanders, whose stock-in-trade is lying for the president, it becomes easy to forget some of the more important matters the president has promised the nation. The list is quite long including both domestic and foreign policies. This one should not be ignored anymore.

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The Democratic Party Establishment Should Stay Out Of The Primaries…Let The People Decide

When I was cutting my teeth in the Democratic Party, years ago, one of my mentors made a comment when I groused about somebody who had announced her candidacy for a state legislative seat that had been held by an old farmer who had been in the legislature for a couple of decades. Being in a red state, I thought why should we have primary when it was so hard to elect Democrats in the first place? It was probably a safe seat, why split the Democrats with a primary? My mentor’s wisdom has stuck with me all these years.

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Why A New Military Draft Is Possible Under The Trump Administration

While there is no question we live in a nuclear age, numerous countries are capable of severely damaging or even destroying the planet, the actual possibility of this is remote. Any attempt of a pre-emptive military action would certainly be met with a response. Therefore, a nuclear pre-emptive strike would be unthinkable given the essential economic and power dynamics of the major world powers. It is more likely that any pre-emptive strike would take the form of conventional warfare. That is where Bolton’s strategy is not only flawed, but his tactics would be absurd as well.

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These Two “Favorite Sons” Are Just A Couple of “Chicken-Hawks”

Bolton is more than willing to have others do the actual fighting in any given military action. He is more than willing to sacrifice the young men and women, fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers of our nation to be killed, wounded, or maimed for life. For all of Bolton’s bravado, when given the opportunity to serve his country, he dodged it.